Thursday, March 17, 2011

Out to See

The sailor knows not why the wind blows,
nor when.

He simply tends to that which
requires his attention.

He mentions not the beastly waves,
nor days he feared
he lost his way.

A quiet soul out in the
vast ocean--
not a sight to behold
but the ship his task is to control.
Immeasurable crests of blue.
Specks of gold.

amidst the cunning sea,
he lives a dream.

For all the angry storms,
pitch-black nights he has seen...
and survived,
he trusts the sea that has gifted him sight.

What he knows?

He's free.


Sunday, March 13, 2011

This Life

What is this Life?

For what, is it meant?

Bent at will, is it?
Shifted on a whim?
Tossed about by random acts of circumstance?

To take a chance,
the hope of luck's gentle greeting?

Is this Life devoid of meaning,
to cease in darkness...
far too fleeting?

Say no--
no to it all.

Life is the call of the Infinite
for Joy.

Life's roots run so deep,
a base, they never reach
no matter how far off they go.

Life, in all its Glory
is just that--
a fairytale story told to the heavens.

So no,
fear not--
beg not for mercy.

Be the writer of your own story.
Bask in its glorious flow.

Be what you know you are.

Be Life. 
