Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Freedom Without Socks

The other day, my husband was vacuuming the house.  Although he’s usually willing to help when he can, there is rarely time in his schedule for him to be picking up household appliances.  Brian is an engineer and loves to work with his hands, so when there is a problem with a machine, he can’t help but take it apart to figure out why it isn’t operating at optimal potential. 
So when the Dyson wasn’t working for him, he took it apart and said to me, “Well maybe it’s this large sock that’s stuck inside of it that’s the problem!”  I couldn’t help but laugh. 
Brian and I are so different in so many ways.  I’ve had that Dyson for 8 years and I have yet to attempt to take it apart, even when it wasn’t working.  My solution the few times it was acting a little funny?  The old computer standby. . .turn it off for a few minutes and back on again.  I wondered if he hadn’t vacuumed that day if I would have ever discovered that sock.
After he removed it, the vacuum worked with more power than it had in a long time. 
I got to thinking about humans and how we let things get clogged as well.  There are so many things that get in our way of who we truly are in our lives.  In humans, our “socks” are things like negative thoughts, addictive habits (too much TV, alcohol, food, etc.), self-doubt, worry, lack of sleep, or spending time with people that drain your energy.  How can you possibly be the best expression of who you are if you are saying to yourself, “I can’t do it!” when you are presented with a new opportunity, or you are drinking six glasses of wine at night so that you can feel “calm”, or you are constantly thinking about all the things that can go wrong in your child’s day as soon as they get on the school bus?
Possibility becomes impossibility. . .
Ponder this question. . .what would my life be like if I remove the “socks?”  What would it be like if I spent quiet time with myself instead of listening to my neighbor complain for an hour everyday?  Who could I be if I drank water today instead of 5 cups of coffee?  What’s possible in my relationship if I talked to my spouse instead of watching a trashy reality show before bed?  How could I make a difference in the world?  What could I contribute?  What wonderful things would be attracted into my life?
If you remove those layers that cover up the true you, everything becomes possible.  The power that is unleashed when you are closer to your authentic self is exponential.  Goals get achieved faster, dreams that were thought of far into the future manifest now, relationships get more passionate, life feels serene.

The time is now. 

Live free. 

-          Amy

Sunday, April 3, 2011


A son so bright,
fire's light seems frail--
shrinks back,
far from sight.

And, a daughter,
grounded as an oak.
Time froze
when first, it saw her.


I say the word...
let it permeate my skin,
seep deep,
deep within,
'till my bones,
gripped by its meaning,
firm up.
Gain that much more strength--
laugh off the faintest notion
they could break.

There is no break
from two.

No thought,
or action--
or inclination,
for which, I would forsake
the growing strength
at home in this temple...
all for two.

For now.

Months on,
maybe more.

This strength,
they informed me of
when, twice, they came
hours of rhythmic pain.

And I stayed
of sound mind,

Two, for whom there is no "too much".

for whom,
by whom,
I stand changed.


Typical Morning Conversation

ME:  I want to workout.

me:  You don’t have time.

ME:  I have to make the time.  Working out makes me feel good.

me:  You’re crazy, you don‘t have time to exercise.  You have way too much to do, and not enough time to do it in.  What about the laundry?

ME:  Forget about what I have to do.  Exercise gives me more energy, which results in doing things more efficiently.  So either my things will get complete anyway, or I will better prioritize my tasks and the things that really don’t need to get done, won’t.  Exercise gives me the ability to create time.

me:  You don’t have the energy to work out.  You’re too tired all the time.  You never want to get up early in the morning; you would rather sleep.

ME:    The more I exercise, the more energy I will create.  Eventually exercise will not be a choice, it will be what my body craves everyday. It will be the energy level for which my body will not settle for less.

me:  You have too much on your mind to exercise.  You won’t be able to focus on creating a workout routine because you have too many things to think about and deal with.

ME:  Exercise is a way to a more focused mind.  When I exercise, I think more clearly and more succinctly.  Exercise helps me dissolve the thought layers that weigh me down and  don’t serve me.  The negative thoughts have no power when I exercise. 

me:  You don’t enjoy running on the treadmill.  You’ll be miserable.

ME:  While I certainly don’t admit to loving running, I know it doesn’t matter what exercise I do.  I listen to empowering books while I am on the treadmill, and time melts away quickly. My mind opens to new possibilities for my life.  I complete my run and feel energized, powerful, and free. 

Free of weight. . .

Free of toxic thoughts. . .

Free of limits. . .

Free of body. . .

Just ME. 
